Pierce Brosnan Recalls Discussing a Potential Bond Film with Quentin Tarantino Over Martinis  

During a Goldeneye live watchalong video for Esquire, former James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan revealed a brief chat with Quentin Tarantino over martinis about directing Brosnan in another Bond movie. 

While we’ve known for years about Quentin’s desire to bring back Pierce to the role this exchange is something I wasn’t aware of and that he went to bad for him with producers along with this taking place between Kill Bill Vol.2 and Daniel Craig’s Casino Royle. 

BROSNAN: “It was after Kill Bill Vol. 2, and he wanted to meet me, so I went up to Hollywood one day from the beach, and I met him at the Four Seasons. I got there at 7 pm, I like to be punctual. 7:15 came around, no Quentin, he was upstairs doing press. Someone sent over a martini, so I had a martini, and I waited till 7:30, and I thought, where the heck is he? Word came down, apologies, so I thought, okay, I’ll have another martini.”

“He was pounding the table, saying ‘You’re the best James Bond, I wanna do James Bond’, and it was very close quarters in the restaurant and I thought, please calm down, but we don’t tell Quentin Tarantino to calm down.”

“He wanted to do James Bond, and I went back to the shop and told them but it wasn’t mean to be. No Quentin Tarantino for James Bond.” 

It’s extremely interesting to consider what that would have looked like and we know he’s been itching to make a spy film as he had been considering adapting Len Deighton’s spy novels into a feature film trilogy over ten years ago while promoting Inglourious Basterds

TARANTINO: “I love England. It would be a wonderful life experience to have an excuse to work here for six or nine months. One of the things I am musing about doing is the trilogy of Len Deighton books, “Berlin Game,” “Mexico Set” and “London Match.” The story takes place in the Cold War and follows a spy name Bernard Samson. What is attractive is the really great characters and the wonderful opportunities of British and German casting.”

Would you have liked to have seen Quentin direct Pierce Brosnan in a James Bond movie?

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